I love hearing from readers, and I try to reply as much as possible, but I do get a lot of DMs and emails these days, and there are a few questions that get asked a LOT so I thought I’d answer a few of those here. If anything changes, I will update the answers.

When are tough guy, common goal, and role model going to be released in paperback?

Originally the entire series was going to be released in mass market paperback format (the smaller paperback size) but it was later decided to rerelease the entire series in the larger trade paperback format (same format as Time to Shine) with new illustrated covers. All six Game Changers books have now been released in trade paperback format and are available to buy. I’m very excited about this decision, but unfortunately it means there will never be mass market paperback editions of Tough Guy, Common Goal or Role Model with the original covers.

Ok but I’ve seen pics of paperbacks of Tough Guy, Common Goal, and Role Model online…

Those were one of about forty author copies that were shipped to me for promo purposes. I used them as contest prizes, as charity auction items, and gave a few to friends.

Are the Game Changers books available in trade paperback format?

YES! They were re-released on November 26, 2024.

Are you writing a third Ilya and Shane book?

No. I feel that I left them in a good place at the end of The Long Game, and I don’t have another full-length book in me about them. They will have a very happy life together, trust me.

Will I ever see Ilya and Shane again?????

Ilya and Shane are fun to write, and they’re very important characters to me, so I’m sure I’ll never fully be able to let them go. I will happily share any short stories I write about them in the future.

Will I see Ilya and Shane…on television?

Sure sounds like it. Announcement coming soon!

What kinds of changes did you make to the updated versions of the Game Changers books?

As each Game Changers book has been released in paperback format, I’ve taken the opportunity to clean them up a bit first. Mostly I just fixed some typos and continuity errors, as well as some factual mistakes that were completely on me (the drive time between Montreal and Ottawa, for example). I also fixed a few things that were bugging me, like some of the language I’d originally used that I felt could be more sensitive or inclusive. There were no changes to the plot or story, but I do greatly prefer the updated versions of Game Changer and Heated Rivalry (the only two books updated so far).

Will there be a follow-up to Time to Shine?

No, sorry. I loved writing Landon and Casey but that book was written as a one-shot set in its own fictional version of the NHL and is not connected to the Game Changers universe, or anything else. I look forward to writing more one-shots like Time to Shine.

I like one of your audiobook narrators more than the other one. Can you have them re-record the audio for the other books?

No. It’s just not how audiobooks work. The first three Game Changers audiobooks were produced by Tantor Audio and were narrated by Tor Thom. The rest of my audiobooks were produced by HarperCollins and mostly narrated by Cooper North. None of my audiobooks were produced by me personally. Both Tor and Cooper have lots of fans, and I’ve heard lots of positive things from readers about both of them, so it just comes down to personal preference.

Have you considered having your books translated into [insert language]?

I love it when my books are translated, but I have no control over it happening. The way it works is that a publisher that specializes in translations to a particular language contacts me/my agent and they buy the translation rights. So far language rights for some or all of the Game Changers series have been sold to French, Chinese, and German language publishers, and there are more in the works. Once those rights are sold, everything is completely in the hands of those publishers. French translations of Game Changer and Heated Rivalry are available now through Juno Publishing, and German translations of Heated Rivalry and Time to Shine are available through DP.

I’ve seen people posting pics of Ottawa Centaurs T-shirts online! Where can I get one?

I had an online store that I shut down but I will probably open again someday. I’ll announce that on Instagram when it happens.

Do you have a newsletter?

No because I don’t have much to say, honestly. Instagram is the best way to get news from me: rachelreidwrites

Are you doing any in-person events?

Yes! Not many, but I’ll list any upcoming ones here,

May 2, 2025: Love & Romance in Toronto, Ontario

Sept 5-6, 2025: Romance Con in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

May 29-30, 2026: Signed with Spice in Bangor, Maine